How to prove the breed of an animal?

Breed determination in animals is often a crucial question for owners, breeders and animal enthusiasts. Whether for reasons of pedigree, participation in competitions, or simply for personal interest, knowing how to prove the breed of an animal is a subject of constant interest. In this article, we will delve into the broad field of proof of breed in animals, exploring the different methods used to establish the ancestry and racial authenticity of an animal. From the study of physical characteristics to genetic analysis, we will examine the various approaches and important considerations to take into account in this often complex process:

Study of Physical Characteristics

Studying physical characteristics is one of the most obvious and commonly used methods to prove an animal's breed. This approach relies on observing and evaluating the external traits of the animal to determine if they match the typical characteristics of the breed in question. For many animal species, such as dogs, horses, and cats, breed standards established by specialized organizations define specific characteristics that are used as references to identify an individual's breed. These characteristics may include size, body shape, coat or feather color, facial structure, limb length, coat texture, presence of specific markings, and many others. By comparing the animal's characteristics to these breed standards, it is possible to determine with some degree of certainty which breed it belongs to. However, it is important to note that this method can sometimes be subject to subjective interpretation and may not provide definitive proof of an animal's breed, especially when physical characteristics are not distinct enough or when the animal exhibits mixed traits.

Genetic Analysis

Genetic analysis is an increasingly revolutionary method used to prove an animal's breed. It involves sequencing the animal's DNA to identify specific genetic markers associated with a particular breed. This approach offers unmatched precision in breed determination, bypassing the limitations of physical characteristics that can sometimes be ambiguous or difficult to interpret. By sequencing the DNA, scientists can identify genetic variations unique to each breed, thus allowing for precise identification of an animal's breed. This method is particularly useful when an animal's physical characteristics are not distinct enough to determine its breed with certainty.

Ancestor Registration

Ancestor registration is a traditional and widely recognized method for proving an animal's breed. This process involves meticulously documenting the animal's ancestors in an official breed registry. For an animal to be officially recognized as belonging to a specific breed, its ancestors must be registered in this registry and meet the breed criteria established by the breed organization. This ensures that the animal has an authentic and legitimate pedigree, thus confirming its breed. However, this method depends on the availability of reliable ancestry documents and compliance with breed standards.

Expert Examination

Having an animal examined by an expert in animal breed, such as a dog or horse show judge, is another common method to prove its breed. These experts possess in-depth knowledge of breed standards and typical physical characteristics of each breed. By evaluating the animal in person, they can identify distinctive characteristics that are characteristic of its breed. Their expertise allows them to accurately determine the animal's breed, taking into account factors such as size, body shape, coat color, and other breed-specific characteristics. This method is particularly useful when other means of proof are unavailable or inconclusive.


In a world where the diversity of animal breeds is vast and fascinating, the question of proving breed holds significant importance for many animal owners and breeders. After exploring the different methods used to establish an animal's breed, it is clear that each approach has its own advantages and considerations. Studying physical characteristics can provide valuable clues but may be subject to subjective interpretations. Genetic analysis offers a more objective approach but may require significant financial and technical resources. Ancestor registration is often used as breed proof, but this depends on the availability of documentation and compliance with breed standards. Finally, evaluation by an expert in animal breed can provide valuable expertise, but it is important to seek trustworthy and competent judges or specialists. In summary, proving breed in animals is a complex process that may require a combination of methods to reach a reliable conclusion. By considering the different approaches and evaluating the specific factors in each case, owners and breeders can be better equipped to establish the ancestry and racial authenticity of their animals, thus contributing to the preservation and promotion of animal breeds worldwide.